It's Showtime!!!

Hey, everybody! I've decided that the only sure way to get my movies out so folks can see them is to put them up online. I've tried YouTube before, but I'm really not too happy with the quality they put out, so I'm starting up a whole new blog just for movie entries. The oldest entries will be at the bottom, as that's how entries on the blog go, so the newer ones will always be at the top. (Not necessarily the newest movies, just the newest entries.) Anyway, you can pick and choose which one you'd like to view from the pane on the left. Sounds simple enough, right? All right, then, grab a big bowl of popcorn and let's roll 'em. Lights! Camera! ACTION!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lemme At Him!!!

Of the various forms of wildlife out here in Big Bend, the bird population wins hands-down in sheer numbers -- over 450 species in residence in the park alone, not counting the migrants working their way through in the spring and fall. Here we have one of our local residents, a curved-bill thrasher, attempting to thrash the living daylights out of himself in the mirrored window of the Persimmon Gap Visitor Center. He's not alone in this little endeavor, either, as we'll see in upcoming videos.